There are appointed times when the Holy Spirit determines to bring us to a new place. Would you be interested in going to a new place? Here is a word from Ezekiel.
Did you hear that? God is saying again in a fresh/new way I have determined to do good for my children. The question is are we positioning ourselves to be recipients of His goodness? What would you do to position yourself for a breakthrough? What would you be willing to do? Would you be willing too fast? Would you be willing too fast for 21 days? As soon as I mentioned “fast” most of us think, OH I CAN’T EAT. Fasting food certainly is one way too fast but there are others also. Fasting is a matter of the heart and that’s what our Father is after. Often we are desiring a change. We are need of of encountering God. What are we willing to do to respond to what God wants to do? Our church has just started a 21 day fast - because WE WANT MORE - KNOWING GOD WANTS MORE FOR US. I heard the Lord declare “this is an all in fast”. Yes, we are in the Valley of Decision spoken of in Joel 3:14. There is so much God has determined to do BUT He needs people to do it through The Holy Spirit uses Paul to asks a question in Galatians 3. He writes in verse 1 “O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you?” Who or what is it that has caused us to shrink back from pursuing our God and His Kingdom. Can you hear this voice echoing in the spirit? It’s saying - “ALL IN”. Come and position yourself for what God is about to do. If you’re in our area you can join us in person or on line or in person for the rest of GOD’S 21 DAY ALL IN FAST. Hear the word the young prophet spoke and is speaking to the church of today. 2 Chronicles 20:17 “Position yourselves” If you heard there was a place you can go to be a rekindle the flame inside of you would you go? You can join us in person at 371 Bay Street, Fall River or online at During this 21 day fast each day on our webpage there will be a verse to consider. I beseech you brethren - “IT’’S ALL IN TIME”
Picture this for a moment? Jesus says to His disciples let’s go to the other side? Jesus was referring to crossing the sea of Galilee. It sure sounds like a great idea. They were eager to go wherever Jesus wanted to take them.
Are you see where this is going? We are so willing to go wherever the Lord wants to take us. How many times has the Lord showed you that He wants to take you to a new place? You know this is a trap don’t you? You see we want to go to the new place and He wants to bring us to a new place but just as important that we arrive at our destination the Lord is equally excited about what He is going to attempt to do in us on the journey. We just want to get there. We are in a hurry. He is not. In Luke 8 and in Mark 4 Jesus asks His disciples to go to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. With enthusiasm they got into a boat and figured this is a great day for boat ride, can’t wait to see what the Lord is up too.Then on the way to this exciting new place - crisis hits. In this case it was a major storm where even the professional fishermen were afraid for their lives. What is Jesus doing? He is taking a nap. This is a prophetic picture that we should find rest and peace in the middle of our “storms”. Notice how the disciples responded to their crisis?
Do you think they were feeling abandoned? That Jesus is not interested in their struggles or in our struggles . It might feel like Jesus doesn’t care about our “storms”, remember it’s a feeling not a reality. It’s in our storms that the Lord takes advantage of everything that He can use to shape and mold us into His imagine. Let’s go to the other side - hmmm let me think about that…. Musing: Be encouraged God is listening to you
When you think of it how incredible it is that God would actually love and value you enough that He would listen to you and not only does He listen to you but He responds to what you’re saying:
Be encouraged… It is amazing how the scriptures can summarize our lives. I have written many times before that Ecclesiastes 3 describes 28 seasons of our lives. I do not recall my living out the season mentioned in verse 7 where it says there is a time: Ecclesiastes 3:7 “A time to keep silence, And a time to speak” I fell like Ezekiel that God spoke to: Ezekiel 3:26 “I will make your tongue cling to the roof of your mouth, so that you shall be mute” So I have asked the Lord what are you doing? And there has been no answer because it’s a time of silence. One thing I have said is that I am pursuit of God only to be corrected when he “said, no Brian, I am pursuit of you,” Take a moment and let Him catch you and ket os utter the words of Samuel: Samuel 3:10 “Now the Lord came and stood and called as at other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel answered, “Speak, for Your servant hears.” Can I encourage you to read the 1st chapter of the book of Haggai. Haggai in talking to the children of Israel about building the House of God. He expresses the fact that it was time to again sacrifice and build the temple of the Lord. He goes on to tell people that they are too preoccupied with their own homes and lives. Here is what he said:
- Go up the mountain - it takes effort to climb a mountain
Well, that kind of scenario really doesn’t exist today so how can we apply the meaning of this and other verses? The major point is what can we do to help build the house of God so He can be glorified. I am fully persuaded that every person in a local church has something to contribute. Ephesians 4:16 “from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.” It clearly states that every person has a role/part to play in the building up the body known also as the church. When I visit churches one of the places I go to get a sense of the church is the bathroom, The condition of the bathroom tells me a lot. Jesus came to serve.
Almost 52 years ago I started serving in the local church by cleaning toilets. In all of the churches I have planted I cleaned toilets and I am still cleaning toilets today. Once a servant always a servant. The goal is to see every believer contributing to the building up of the church so our God can be glorified. I talk to pastors all the time and perhaps their greatest disappointments and frustrations is trying to get people to serve somewhere. Pastors today are often exhausted because they are wearing so many hats.
Yes, we can help build the House of God so He can be glorified. Can you be a part of a local community working together that GOD CAN BE GLORIFIED… Kind of a PS read the first chapter of Haggai it perhaps will give you some answers. Once again I am feeling stirred and provoked to more fully understand the present day reality that the Kingdom of God already exists. The truth is there is the kingdom (realm) of the world as we see it and then there is the truth/reality that another kingdom (realm) of a spiritual reality is very much in existence.
I believe if we can truly learn to live our every day lives in the Kingdom of God we would see far more manifestations of this Kingdom. Here is what Jesus said about the this realm of His Kingdom
Jesus tells us that in order to see the reality of this Kingdom a person has to be born again. So it can be seen.
Jesus tells us that we can actually enter this Kingdom now.
The conclusion is that there is today an actual spiritual Kingdom we can see, enter and live in. The Kingdom of God was, is and is to come. The Kingdom was: Notice the words dominion, subdue they infer that they were to govern
In Genesis 3:23-24 God kicks Adam and Eve out of the Kingdom
The Kingdom is: See above John 3 The kingdom is to come:
More to come but for now let’s consider that we are to live our lives in our Father’s Kingdom and to see it manifesting in our every day lives. From Genesis we were to govern the Kingdom (it was taken from man), Jesus restores the Kingdom and now we must learn its reality and our power and authority that has been transferred us.
Becoming Kingdom Minded… Tonight here in the shelter I got involved in a conversation which touched on the need for all of us to be carriers of the anointing so as to bring about our Father’s kingdom.
As we were chatting I remembered back in the late 80’s and early 90’s I was a principal of a Christian school. I recalled how there were a few mornings that we never left the chapel. We would start every day with a chapel service and on different occasions the presence and power of God filled the room. Students were weeping, laughing, praying one for another, praying in tongues, prophesying and many were laying on the floor touched by the power of God. There were a few times we never made it to the classrooms because the power of God was still moving when parents came to pick up their children in the afternoon. Even after the parents arrived God continue to move. I so long for the days when we once again see God move in every area of our lives. When I was bi-vocational having a secular job and working in the ministry I use to teach a bible study before work once a week. Even inside of a business setting God would move. There be prophesy, words of knowledge, laughing and weeping because God was present. I continue to meditate on a verse from yesterday. It’s important to meditate/muse over scripture because it fills us with the heart and mind of our God which we can carry not just for a moment but that it becomes part of who we are.
May those around us also know “know what kind of men we are.” Father, move we pray that your Kingdom may come… By now we all have discovered that God will use whatever or whoever He wants to fulfill His purposes. For example we can see the countless times God would allow various nations to overrun Israel. Why would He allow this?
He was wanting Israel to repent and to turn back to Him with all of their hearts. God used Satan to refine the life of Job. Is God using this to cause us to return to him with all of our hearts? To rid our lives of “almost living”? What’s almost living? It’s where we almost do it right. Where we do it right about 60, 70, 80 per cent of the time but we are not “all in”. Is it possible that what’s transpiring here in America God is using to bring the church and us as individuals to a new place? Is it possible that America is in this mess because we have rejected the Lord, rejected His ways and have turned to other Gods. Is the Holy Spirit speaking to us from 1 Samuel 7:3? 1 Samuel 7:3 “Then Samuel spoke to all the house of Israel, saying, “If you return to the Lord with all your hearts, then put away the foreign gods and the Ashtoreths from among you, and prepare your hearts for the Lord, and serve Him only; and He will deliver you from the hand of the Philistines.” Is it possible it’s not about the election and all the ensuing insanity that has transpired since? Is it possible? f you thought things were “nuts” before the events in Washington the other night. well things are worse. It has sent America and its people into even more division we’ve had the last four years. Everyone’s emotions are running wild. That seems to be an accurate statement.
If you thought there was division before the division now is worse. Yes, division is the devil’s play ground. People are expressing themselves and sadly once its said it can’t be taken back. Hey, I have lots of thoughts and emotions and this is a time to do as Paul says, to “, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5 Perhaps there has never been a time when we must not react but rather respond. We must be honest and say, “I need the mind of God.” For sure there needs to be the application of:
We must remember God is neither deaf or blind. He has seen and heard everything. Wouldn’t this be the time that the sons and daughters of God demonstrate his heart and his character.
This is OUR TIME to be an example. I’m not saying we shouldn’t have strong emotions I saying those thoughts and emotions must carry the heart and breath of God. This is our time to shine. I’m convinced God is looking for people he can work through. Those that will carry his heart, his mind, His attitude. Frankly the world doesn’t need more carnal attitudes running around. I implore you by the mercies of God we must be the priesthood of Jesus right now. We cannot give ourselves permission to be carnal. I believe the Lord is counting on us. We can carry out our plans and strategies or carry out His plans and strategies. If we are going to live in our flesh there will be no need for you to carry the anointing. Hear this: Ezekiel 22:30 “So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land” The verse concludes by saying - “but I found no one.” I think He has found YOU… Let’s be honest what has the church really done in the past 25 years. What have we done as individuals? We have done a good job at pointing fingers and criticizing just about everybody and everything while we have done what?
As a nation we have interfered with elections around the world. We have over thrown governments and we have established new ones. In 1963 we took prayer out of our schools and ten years later we legalized abortions. And the church did what? On December 24 I wrote how darkness was going to get darker but the glory of God was going to get brighter. Here is what I wrote; To put it mildly it’s “DARK” and it's getting darker. Looking at the political and social landscape of the world especially here in America we continue to abandon the root core of this country. That root being faith in God. I think of the verse in 1 Samuel where Samuel is complaining they have rejected him. He’s going to give us a new anointing to fulfill Isaiah 60:1-3: “Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. 2 For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you. 3 The Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising.” The answer for America is not going to be found in the White House but rather in “YOUR HOUSE”. The answers for America is not going to be the government in Washington but rather the “GOVERNMENT “ YOU CARRY… Isaiah 9:7 “Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no end.” Yes, what took place in Washington last night was horrific but honestly what has been going on for years has been horrific. But Rejoice Church - THIS IS OUR HOUR… THIS IS OUR TIME. The message that has been preached in our church for months has been? WE/YOU/I WAS BORN FOR THIS… |
AuthorPastor Brian R. Weeks began ministering in 1972 and has served as a pastor to both youth and young adults. He also served as an associate pastor for eleven years, and then for 25 years as a senior pastor, apostolic missionary, and church planter. In March of 2017 he released his church Solomon’s Porch, but in order to remain part of the local church, continues to serve among its several pastors. Archives
January 2022