As I sat to write I had no idea what I was going to write and then I heard the old Rolling Stones song play in my head. I hadn’t thought of that song in literally in years. The song lyrics say, “time is on my side”. Then I felt a prophetic anointing rest on me.
Here is what I believe I am to write to so many of you. You have felt that it’s too late, that your time to be used in a more dramatic way has passed, that circumstances hindered you from stepping toward your dream. Rejoice my beloved what you thought was just every day life and you had given up . Know this you have not lost one second. I have used everything to mold and shape you Remember John the Baptist he spent his entire life preparing for a very short ministry. Hear this? Your time is near, get ready to celebrate. I am about to redeem it all. Is not my name REDEEMER? In the crucible go life I have been preparing you.
Yes, time has been on your side. Look at all you have learned? Reflect on what you have learned and then step forward…
In Matthew 13 we find Jesus speaking to the multitudes as well as his disciples about the parable of the seeds.
He tells his disciples that they have been given the ability to understand the parable. Think for a moment you have been given the privilege and honor to understand and to know the ”MYSTERIES OF THE KINGDOM”.
Of all the billions of people that have lived and are living today you have been chosen to know him and his ways.
Think for a moment and then shout for joy… I just sat down to ask the Lord what was on his mind. A number of years ago I realized he already knew what was on my mind. Though I do pray about all the things my life touches I perhaps am learning to spend more time asking Him what’s on His mind.
As soon as I sat I heard come and sit at my feet. Immediately I thought of the story of Martha and Mary in Luke 10. It’s the story how Martha is busy serving and Mary is sitting at Jesus feet. Martha goes to Jesus to convince Him that Mary should be serving and not sitting, That’s pretty funny that Martha tries to convince Jesus that he needs to straight out Mary. If we are willing to admit it there are times when we pray and we try and convince the Lord to “enlighten” other people to what they should and should not be doing. Martha is busy, busy serving and this is a trap we all can fall into. We can get so caught up in busyness that just like Martha we get distracted. Here’s the account in Luke 10:
Christmas is such a beautiful time of year. Yet it can easily become the season that we fall into the Martha trapdo this and do that. Perhaps as we approach 2021 we can all purpose in our hearts to follow the response that Jesus gave to Martha. Luke 10:41-42 “And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. 42 But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” How true is that? We get caught up in doing and doing we can easily be ensnared with being worried and troubled by even the smallest thing. We need to break the cycle of “habitual living”. We need to follow the counsel of Eli who gave these instructions to Samuel when Samuel was hearing God call him. 1Samuel 3:9 “ Therefore Eli said to Samuel, “Go, lie down; and it shall be, if He calls you, that you must say, ‘Speak, Lord, for Your servant hears.’ ” So Samuel went and lay down in his place.” A short period of time goes by and this occurs in verse 10.
It takes desire and discipline to learn how to stop the busyness of our lives and sit with Jesus and say, “speak”, for your son, daughter is here and we are willing to listen and then to live out what is being said to us. A good word for 2021 - “Come sit at my feet”. In Hebrews 4:15 it says that Jesus understands our humanity. It's overwhelming to know that no matter what we go through Jesus understands.
This Christmas Eve I along with others have the privilege of serving in a homeless shelter. I’m thinking how could Jesus identify with this. Then I remember the story of His birth. Mary and Joseph traveled 90 miles to get too Bethlehem. It took them between 4 and seven days. It is believed it took closer to 7 because of Mary being so far along in her pregnancy. When they arrive all the “hotels” were full. So Jesus was born in a stable. A person who is homeless is like Jesus at his birth they have no where they can go. For many they live under an overpass to escape the winter elements or in the woods or perhaps an abandon building. In Matthew 8:20 it says that Jesus had no place to lay his head. Jesus has the incredible compassion and understanding of knowing how people really feel when they have no place to live. There are numerous scriptures that say that Jesus was rejected. It is one of the saddest things I have seen first hand is how homeless people are rejected and dis posed. You might not be homeless but whatever you’ve been through or going through our High Priest can totally understand… Jesus thank you… Musing: A season called “new” has arrived
For the past few weeks I have had this sense that during this Christmas that as Jesus was born his birth ushered in a whole new era. Grace replaced the law. Man’s relationship with God went from do’s and dont’s to having a real tangible relationship. My sense is the Holy Spirit is going to birth something new inside of all of us as a gift. It’s a gift not something we have eared or deserve. It is simply our Father lavishing his love and affection on his children. There is wind blowing. Can you feel it? I Can see angels rejoicing as they did at the birth of Jesus. They see the Father raising his hands and speaking “A NEW SEASON HAS BEGUN”. Will we receive it? Will we? Sit for a moment and allow the wind blow over you… It has been less than a week that our “Homeless Shelter” has been open and already my heart has been broken on 2 different evenings. I serve from 11:00pm to 7:00am. For the most part it is quiet until about 6:00am. It is during this time that these extraordinary people will often wake up to use the bathrooms and sometimes they just can’t sleep. Our guests will often begin talking to our staff. The other time they will talk is in the morning just before they leave.
As they share it often brings tears to your eyes. When you truly listen to these precious people it’s hard not to break down as they share their tragic stories. As I listen I can feel the Holy Spirit working on my heart. He continues to place more compassion, grace and mercy into my life while continuing to remove an attitude of judgement amongst other carnal attitudes and opinions. You have to wonder how we would have responded and where we would be today if the circumstances that occurred in their lives occurred in our lives. While they are talking there is also another voice taking the opportunity to speak. One thing I have heard very clearly that I have heard before is, “put away your rocks.” In John 8:2-5 we find the story of how the religious leaders brought a woman to him who was caught in adultery and they wanted to stone her.
If you remember the story Jesus bent down and started writing something on the ground. I wonder what awe was writing? It says they continued to ask what he would do. Then he said to them:
Jesus continued to write and then they one by one began to leave.
Essentially they put away their rocks. May I encourage each of us to allow the Holy Spirit to take us to a deeper place where we don’t even pick up our rocks… Musing: Giving your life away
I truly hope you have discovered the joy of giving your life away. If Jesus came to serve shouldn’t we do likewise? Jesus served:
Yes, I know there are seasons in our lives that we might not be serving but there are also seasons that we are being called to serve. Paul served:
Have you heard the Macedonian Call? It is calling to each of us.
Can you hear “Come over to Macedonia (name your location) and help us.” Have you heard that you are in needed as Jesus told his disciples that the donkey for him to ride on was needed?
Are you looking for joy? Perhaps we need to consider: John 15:13 “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” Giving your life away is our calling… For the past few years the Holy Spirit has been emphasizing our identity as sons and daughters of God. While this has been essential to our understand who we are It is also important that we remember we are also priests.
When you think of a priest what is the image that comes to your mind? I normally picture a person wearing a clergy shirt. Every minister that wears a clergy shirt has daily reminder that they have been called to serve in the ministry. I know when I have worn my clergy shirt I am aware everyone knows who I am and what I represent. You can feel all these eyes on you and truth behold you are much more aware your conduct. You are aware of your attitude and actions. There is no hiding of who we are In 2 Chronicles 29 Hezekiah starts regaining at 25 years old. One of his first under taking was to assemble the priesthood and have them reopen the temple and to remove the “rubbish” out of the temple.
To be honest taking out the rubbish is an ongoing thing in our lives. Hezekiah makes it clear his expectations He tells the priest not to neglect their duties as priests. I am hoping all of us might feel the weight of being priests and thus living our public and private lives in a manner fit for the priesthood. “2 Chronicles 29:11 (NLT) My sons, do not neglect your duties any longer! The Lord has chosen you to stand in his presence, to minister to him, and to lead the people in worship and present offerings to him.” Yes, we are priests:
If our final destination is to be priests who are kings and we will reign on the earth we should be practicing now. In the words of Hezekiah:
When you and I don’t get the answer we wanted how does it affect our attitude. Perhaps one of my favorite stories in the Bible is when 3 very young men “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego” (believed to be between 14-17 years old) were faced with a life and death decision. Literally, it was a life and death decision.
In the story Nebuchadnezzar, wrote a decree that everyone had to bow and worship a statue of him or be put to death. Imagine you have been taken captive and moved hundreds a miles from your home and then you are faced with the decision to compromise your very core beliefs and live or hold onto your convictions and “die”. Here’s the story:
I love their response to the threat, “But if not… let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up.” So I am considering how do I respond when God doesn’t answer my needs, I mean real needs. I know this worship is more than singing songs. It’s a surrendered life. This is Jesus’s response to facing the threat of death:
Yes, worshipping God is expressed when “our will” is overruled by His will… Jesus’s declaration (ours)?
What if God chooses not to answer? Have you ever felt like God didn’t know/see what you are going through? You can feel lonely, discouraged, hopeless, depressed, overwhelmed, lost in a wilderness and a host of other feelings and emotions.
Here is an unchangeable truth - our God is not blind. He sees everything… There is a story in Genesis 16 where Abraham and Sarah decide since she can’t have children that they would have children through Sarah’s handmaiden Hagar. What a disaster trying to fulfill a prophetic word through human reasoning. Hagar runs away and finds herself in the alone in the wilderness. Sound familiar? When we feel like Hagar we can withdraw and go to a wilderness place.
I just love those 2 questions. Where have you come from, and where are you going?” She answers “She said, “I am fleeing from the presence of my mistress Sarai.” But God has a spring in the wilderness that we can drink from. Yes, your Father sees everything and he has a word for all of us in times of great pain and despair. When we read the word to Hagar I wonder if we would like what God speaks to Hagar.
Though this was a great promise she still had to return and be subject to Sarah and her harsh feelings toward her. Often the promises of God are birthed in turmoil. So Hagar says this:
Our Father “lives and see us”. He is the God who seesand he has a well of living water for all of us to drink from in every circumstance. |
AuthorPastor Brian R. Weeks began ministering in 1972 and has served as a pastor to both youth and young adults. He also served as an associate pastor for eleven years, and then for 25 years as a senior pastor, apostolic missionary, and church planter. In March of 2017 he released his church Solomon’s Porch, but in order to remain part of the local church, continues to serve among its several pastors. Archives
January 2022